Sõna igavene tõlge eesti-inglise

  • eternal
    This is the eternal truth of all negotiations but the picture has not been so bad. See on kõigi läbirääkimiste igavene tõde, kuid pilt polegi nii halb. This might be something of an eternal debate, but it has to go on until something gets done. See võib olla igavene arutelu, kuid see peab jätkuma, kuni midagi saab tehtud. There is also the eternal problem posed by the disastrous situation of some prisons, as the report that we have today voted in favour of highlights. Samuti eksisteerib igavene probleem, mis on tingitud mõningate vanglate kohutavast olukorrast ning mida täna hääletusel olnud raport ka esile tõstab.
  • everlasting
    this everlasting nonsense
  • permanent
    They are a reminder, if such were needed, that destruction is always possible, that the human condition is a permanent struggle for peace, and that nothing we acquire is permanent. See tuletab meelde, kui vaja, et hävitustöö on alati võimalik, et inimloomusele on omane pidev võitlus rahu nimel ning mitte miski, mille me omandame, ei ole igavene. Nothing in this world is truly permanentThe countries are now locked in a permanent state of conflict
  • perpetual
    The EU needs a proper and predictable system for financing its own budget in order to end the perpetual, damaging squabbling over national contributions to the EU budget. ELil on vaja nõuetekohast ja ennustatavat süsteemi oma eelarve rahastamiseks, et lõpetada igavene kahjulik nääklemine liikmesriikide osamaksete üle ELi eelarvesse. The perpetual dilemma which arises, as to whether Europe or the Member States have the first and last word, is a major issue and a perfect example is gambling, especially online gambling. Igavene esilekerkiv dilemma, kas esimene ja viimane sõna jääb Euroopale või liikmesriikidele, on põhiteema ja suurepärane näide sellest on hasartmäng, eriti online-hasartmäng. By means of artificial hybridization, practised for a series of years, he has succeeded in producing a race of carnations which are perpetual bloomers

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