Sõna jalg tõlge eesti-inglise
- footAt best they have one foot on the accelerator and one on the brakes. Paremal juhul on neil üks jalg gaasil ja üks piduril. Turkey is fortunate in being located at the meeting of two worlds: it has one foot in the European West and one in Asia. Türgil on õnn paikneda kahe maailma kohtumispunktis - tema üks jalg on Lääne-Euroopas, teine Aasias. On the contrary, in the name of democracy we should subject anyone who tramples our most precious values under foot to a verbal onslaught. Vastupidi, me peame demokraatia nimel pidama sõnasõda kõigiga, kes tallavad jalge alla meile kõige kallimat põhiväärtust.
- stemthe stem of an apple or a cherryto stem cherries; to stem tobacco leavesThe current crisis stems from the short-sighted politics of the previous government.
- footstepThe child watched as his footsteps in the sand were washed away by the waves.To walk the footsteps of greatness requires that you start at the bottom of a long stair.The footsteps of the students echoed in the empty hall.
- legSuddenly, when the people caught on, they ran with their tail between their legs and have been running ever since, petrified that the voters would reject them again. Kui aga inimesed jälile said, jooksid poliitikud saba jalge vahel minema ja teevad seda siiani, kartes, et hääletajad ütleks neile jälle ära. My expectation would be that, if an EU citizen was visiting some state where he or she could have his arm or leg amputated, then the Union would see the horror in such a thing. Ootan, et kui ELi kodanik külastab riiki, kus võidakse tema käsi või jalg amputeerida, siis liit mõistaks sellise võimaluse kohutavust. Dan wont be able to come to the party, since he broke his leg last week and is now on crutches.
- leg; pedestal
- stalka stalk of wheat, rye, or oats; the stalks of maize or hempMy ex-girlfriend is stalking me
- stipe
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