Sõna täht tõlge eesti-inglise

  • letter
    It seems to me that the spirit of the law is more important than its letter. Mulle tundub, et palju olulisem on seaduse vaim, kui selle täht-täheline järgimine. Once again, we are the guardians of the treaty and we will, of course, ensure that we follow the treaty to the letter. Me oleme lepingu valvurid ning kindlustame, et lepingut täht-tähelt järgitaks. I am not saying it has implemented every exact letter of it, but it is the only Member State that has gone down that particular road. Ma ei ütleks, et kõik viimseni oli täht-tähelt rakendatud, kuid ainult Holland oli läinud just seda teed.
  • star
    It is true that Kazakhstan is the star of these countries, but a lot still has to be done. On tõsi, et Kasahstan on nende riikide täht, kuid ikka on vaja palju ära teha. Many Hollywood stars attended the launch partyHis teacher tells us he is a star pupil
  • star/translations
  • bookstaff
  • character
    A single locus governing the petal colour character was detected on the linkage group A2A study of the suspects character and his cast iron alibi ruled him outHe has a great deal of character.
  • type
    This type of plane can handle rough weather more easily than that type of planeThe headline was set in bold type.We cant get along: hes just not my type
  • wickTrim the wick fairly short, so that the flame does not smoke.The fabric wicks perspiration away from the body.The moisture slowly wicked through the wood.

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