Sõna võrk tõlge eesti-inglise
- netFinally, I am greatly concerned by and opposed to the European safety net. Lõpetuseks, mulle teeb suurt muret Euroopa turvavõrk ja ma olen väga selle vastu. a net for the hair; a mosquito net; a tennis netPetri net
- fishing net
- fishnetThe fishnets were hung over bushes to dry.Fishnets are for catching men.
- Internet
- networkEuropean Network for the Protection of Public Figures ( Avaliku elu tegelaste kaitsmise Euroopa võrk ( Let us invest in our TENS transport network. Me peaksime investeerima oma transpordivõrku TENs. A network of roads crisscrossed the country.
- webThe World Wide Web, the GSM standard for mobile telephones, the MPEG standard for digital content and ADSL technology are European inventions. Ülemaailmne võrk (WWW), GSM-standard mobiiltelefonidele, MPEG-standard digitaalsele sisule ja ADSL-tehnoloogia on Euroopa leiutised. The sunlight glistened in the dew on the web.Let me search the web for that.
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