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  • house
    This is my house and my familys ancestral homeThe former carriage house had been made over into a guest houseOn arriving at the zoo, we immediately headed for the [[monkey house
  • put awayPlease put away the tools when you are finishedI put the clothes away so as to neaten the roomPreparing for the worst, they put away food for the winter
  • save
    The goaltender made a great save.Jones retired seven to earn the save.The giant wrestler continued to beat down his smaller opponent, until several wrestlers ran in for the save.
  • store
    The question is how much gas we actually need to store and how to finance it. A questão é saber que quantidade de gás precisamos de armazenar e como financiar este armazenamento. We are today producing nuclear waste that we still do not know how we are to store. Actualmente, produzimos resíduos nucleares que ainda não sabemos como vamos armazenar. There are also three private firms charging parents to store umbilical cord blood cells. Existem, também, três empresas privadas que cobram aos pais para armazenar as células do sangue do cordão umbilical.
  • warehousethe warehousing of syndicated TV shows

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