Sõna laiska tõlge soome-inglise

  • lazy
    We tend to forget that Lady Justice is sometimes lazy and it takes her a long time to make decisions. Meillä on tapana unohtaa, että herra Oikeus on toisinaan laiska ja että häneltä menee kauan päätösten tekemiseen. Mrs de Groen-Kouwenhoven, I have to say here that the Commission is perhaps slow, but certainly not lazy. Hyvä jäsen de Groen-Kouwenhoven, minun on vastattava, että komissio saattaa olla hidas, mutta laiska se ei ole. Get out of bed, you lazy lout!
  • fallowa fallow period in ones careera fallow deer or greyhound
  • idle
    idle hoursMy computer hibernates after it has been idle for 30 minutesidle workmen
  • macula
  • mark
    A good sense of manners is the mark of a true gentleman.The font wasnt able to render all the diacritical marks properly.With eggs, you need to check for the quality mark before you buy.
  • slothful
  • sluggisha sluggish manInflation has been rising despite sluggish economy.So sluggish a conceit
  • smudge
    There was a smudge on the paper
  • splotch
  • stainto stain the hand with dyearmour stained with bloodto stain wood with acids, coloured washes, paint rubbed in, etc.

Sõna laiska tähendused

  • sellainen, joka on haluton tekemään töitä, jolle ei työnteko maistu

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