Sõna cofre tõlge portugali-inglise

  • bank
    Subject: Transfer of profits from Central Bank to State Treasury Objecto: Transferência de lucros do Banco Central para os cofres do Estado According to French estimates, the 0.005% tax will remove more than EUR 20 billion from the coffers of French banks. Segundo as estimativas francesas, o imposto de 0,005% irá retirar mais de 20 mil milhões de euros dos cofres dos bancos franceses. Such a demand would mean that bank night safe-deposit boxes would have to be set up immediately. Com uma exigência deste tipo, a partir de agora, os cofres nocturnos deveriam ser abolidos.
  • coffer
    In other words, though we now have the key to the coffers, the coffers are empty. O que quer dizer que, embora já tenhamos a chave do cofre, o cofre está vazio.The Member States' coffers are empty. Os Estados-Membros têm os cofres vazios. How can we put money into the coffers? Como podemos colocar dinheiro nos nossos cofres?
  • safe
    There will be seignorage and the euro will be stashed away in safes and socks. Haverá pois seigniorage e os euros mergulharão nos cofres e nos mealheiros de todo o mundo. Such a demand would mean that bank night safe-deposit boxes would have to be set up immediately. Com uma exigência deste tipo, a partir de agora, os cofres nocturnos deveriam ser abolidos. It is fundamentally in our interest to ensure that the funds intended to inject liquidity into the system reach the economy rather than remain in bank safes. É do nosso interesse fundamental assegurar que os fundos destinados a injectar liquidez no sistema atinjam a economia em vez de ficarem nos cofres dos bancos.

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