Sõna erwachsenenalter tõlge saksa-inglise

  • adulthoodWhat is happening today is an important event, a passage to adulthood. Wir erleben heute in gewisser Weise ein wichtiges Ereignis, einen Übergang in das Erwachsenenalter. Violence affects women at various times of life, from childhood to adulthood. Gewalt betrifft Frauen in verschiedenen Lebensabschnitten, von der Kindheit bis zum Erwachsenenalter. Drinking behaviour, which occurs during youth, can lead to similar patterns in adulthood. Das in der Jugend erworbene Trinkverhalten setzt sich häufig im Erwachsenenalter fort.
  • majority
    The majority agreed that the new proposal was the bestThose opposing the building plans were in the majority, so the building project was canceledThe winner with 53% had a 6% majority over the loser with 47%

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