Sõna wortgetreu tõlge saksa-inglise

  • verbatim
    May I assure you and the rest of the House that your comments will be passed on to the Bureau verbatim. Ich versichere Ihnen sowie den anderen anwesenden Kollegen, dass ich Ihre Anmerkungen wortgetreu an das Präsidium weiterleiten werde. I have copied his speech verbatim, so this is exactly what he said, word for word.
  • literalThe literal translation is “hands full of bananas” but it means empty-handed.A literal reading of the law would prohibit it, but that is clearly not the intent.a literal equation
  • literally
    When I saw on the news that there would be no school tomorrow because of the snowstorm, I literally jumped for joy, and hit my head on the ceiling fanHe was so surprised, he literally jumped twenty feet in the airMy daughters pet rabbit had babies, and now weve literally got rabbits coming out of our ears
  • to the letterOnce again, we are the guardians of the treaty and we will, of course, ensure that we follow the treaty to the letter. Abschließend möchte ich nochmals darauf hinweisen, dass wir die Hüter des Vertrags sind und gewährleisten müssen, dass der Vertrag wortgetreu befolgt wird. You should follow what your boss said to the letter. Otherwise, youll lose your job
  • word for wordHe was able to repeat the entire script word for word.The two essays were the same, word for word.

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