Sõna anzug tõlge saksa-inglise

  • suit
    Above all, however, the intention is to dress everybody in the same suit: all animals in the same suit, like Chairman Mao’s suit. Doch vor allem ist beabsichtigt, jedermann den gleichen Anzug zu verpassen: alle Tiere im gleichen Anzug, im Mao-Stil. You come home, and the suit does not look as good as it was supposed to. Man kommt nach Hause, und der Anzug sieht nicht so gut aus, wie man gedacht hat. I have my tomato-proof suit on just in case you were thinking of doing something. Ich trage übrigens einen Anzug, dem Tomatenflecke nichts ausmachen, falls sie etwas in dieser Richtung vorhatten.
  • approach
    as he approaches to the character of the ablest statesman."Would counsel please approach the bench?" asked the judge.He approached the age of manhood.
  • attireHe was wearing his formal attire.We will attire him in fine clothing so he can make a good impressionHe stood there, attired in his best clothes, waiting for applause
  • costume
    The dancer was wearing Highland costumeWe wore gorilla costumes to the partyThe bride wore a grey going-away costume
  • dress
    Above all, however, the intention is to dress everybody in the same suit: all animals in the same suit, like Chairman Mao’s suit. Doch vor allem ist beabsichtigt, jedermann den gleichen Anzug zu verpassen: alle Tiere im gleichen Anzug, im Mao-Stil. After all, one would not try to dress a fully-grown 25-year-old in the same suit he wore when he was 15 years old. Schließlich würde man auch nicht versuchen, einen 25jährigen in den Anzug zu zwängen, den er als 15jähriger getragen hat. He was dressed in the latest fashions
  • jumpsuit
  • move
    A ship moves rapidly.I was sitting on the sofa for a long time, feeling too lazy to move.to move in a matter

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