Sõna cricca tõlge itaalia-inglise
- cliqueYou, the Council, are not even prepared to deny this clique entry visas. Il Consiglio non è neppure disposto a negare a quella cricca i visti d’ingresso. The Euro clique, removed from reality as they are, thought they were just going to get a little bit more money for their own hobbies. La cricca dell'euro, distante com'è dalla realtà, pensava di poter ottenere qualche soldo in più per coltivare i propri hobby. The ruling Socialist and Christian Democrat clique is making sure there is a continuing majority in Parliament who are in favour of wasting even more money. La cricca dei socialisti e dei cristianodemocratici si sta assicurando il prosieguo di una maggioranza in Parlamento a favore di uno sperpero ancora maggiore di denaro.
- crewIf you need help, please contact a member of the crew.The crews of the two ships got into a fight.The crews competed to cut the most timber.
- flawThere is a flaw in that knife.That vase has a flaw.a flaw in a will, in a deed, or in a statute
- gangthe Gashouse GangThe gang from our office is going out for drinks Friday night.a gang of sailors; a railroad gang
- herdSheep herd on many hills.He is employed to herd the goats.I heard the herd of cattle being herded home from a long way away.
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