Sõna disperdere tõlge itaalia-inglise

  • disperseYesterday in Aden, a young demonstrator was shot dead during clashes with the police, who opened fire to disperse a gathering. Ieri ad Aden un giovane manifestante è stato ucciso in uno scontro a fuoco con la polizia, che ha sparato per disperdere un assembramento. Fifthly, is it true, and I believe it was, that a women's delegation seeking to present a petition to the French Ambassador was shot at and dispersed by military personnel? Quinto: corrisponde al vero - come io ritengo che sia - che militari hanno sparato per disperdere una delegazione di donne che cercava di presentare una petizione all' ambasciatore francese? The Jews are dispersed among all nations
  • scatter
    The crowd scattered in terror.Her ashes were scattered at the top of a waterfall.to scatter hopes or plans
  • squander
  • waste
    The cage was littered with animal wasteThat was a waste of timeHer life seemed a waste

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