Sõna riportare tõlge itaalia-inglise

  • restore
    How is this House’s security to be restored? Come si può riportare la sicurezza in quest’Aula? This is not the way to rebuild hope or restore confidence. Non è questo il modo di ricostruire la speranza o di riportare la fiducia. This would restore confidence, ease the crisis and restore calm to the financial markets. Solo così riusciremo a ripristinare la fiducia, ad attenuare la portata della crisi e a riportare la calma sui mercati finanziari.
  • fetch
    If you put some new tyres on it, and clean it up a bit, the car should fetch about $5,000to fetch headway or sternwayto fetch a man to
  • retrieveto retrieve ones character or independence; to retrieve a thrown ballThe cook doesnt care whats shot, only whats actually retrieved.Dog breeds called retrievers were selected for retrieving.

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