Sõna schiocco tõlge itaalia-inglise

  • snap
    I wish I could snap my fingers and they would disappear. Vorrei poterli far sparire con uno schiocco delle dita. Mrs Malmström mentioned how, with a snap of his fingers, Putin dissolved the Russian Government. L’onorevole Malmström ha fatto notare come, con uno schiocco di dita, Putin ha sciolto il governo russo. We took a few snaps of the old church before moving on.
  • bang
    When he struck it with a hammer, there was a loud bangTiffany has long hair and bangsAn e-mail address with an ! is called a [[bang path
  • crack
    Anyone who knows the short history of the European Union and the long history of Europe will know that proud states are not going to dance at the crack of a whip by the European Commission. Chi conosce la breve storia dell' Unione europea e la lunga storia dell' Europa sa che Stati orgogliosi non ballano allo schiocco della frusta della Commissione europea. Its been so dry, the ground is starting to crack.When I tried to stand on the chair, it cracked.
  • fillipThis measure gave a fillip to the housing marketThe athlete’s victory provided a much-needed fillip for national prideThe spicy aroma filliped my appetite

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