Sõna jednotka tõlge tsehhi-inglise
- unitThe calorie is the unit that informed consumers use in their calculations. Kalorie je jednotka, ve které počítají informovaní spotřebitelé. Not in Gaza, but in Israel, in a kibbutz where his unit was stationed. K této události nedošlo v Gaze, nýbrž na území Izraele, v kibucu, v němž byla jeho jednotka umístěna. For the time being, we have this small unit based in Corsica. Prozatím má tato naše malá jednotka základnu na Korsice.
- driveCrassus had wealth and wit, but Pompey had drive and Caesar as much againNapoleons drive on Moscow was as determined as it was disastrousa typical steam drive, a nuclear drive; chain drive, gear drive; all-wheel drive, front-wheel drive, left-hand drive
- figurea figure in bronze; a figure cut in marbleHe cut a sorry figure standing there in the rain.The muslin was of a pretty figure.
- oneIt alone will be able to provide vital additional aid in the context of a disaster such as this. Jedině tato jednotka bude moci zajistit zásadní dodatečnou pomoc v souvislosti s takovými katastrofami. The reason is that this report runs flagrantly counter to the principle of subsidiarity: 'a larger entity should not exercise functions that can be carried out by a smaller one'. Důvod mého zdržení se hlasování je, že tato zpráva jde zřetelně proti zásadě subsidiarity: "větší organizační jednotka by neměla uplatňovat úlohy uskutečňované menšími jednotkami". In some religions, there is only one god
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