Sõna larva tõlge hispaania-inglise

  • larva
    I will briefly recall the fact that transgenic maize has been made resistant to the larva of a crop-devastating insect. Recordaré brevemente que el maíz transgénico se ha hecho resistente a la larva de un insecto devastador. Scientists have recently revealed that, just as the cod fish will eat prawns, prawns eat cod larvae. Algunos científicos han revelado hace poco que, del mismo modo que el bacalao come gambas, las gambas se comen las larvas de bacalao. But it is also a fact that prawns feed on cod larvae, so once the cod have gone they may never return. Sin embargo, también es cierto que los langostinos se alimentan de larvas de bacalao, así que una vez que el bacalao se ha marchado quizá no regresen.
  • maggotDrop and give me fifty, maggot.
  • grub
    to grub up trees, rushes, or sedge
  • caterpillar
    The bird just ate that green caterpillar
  • caterpillar doodlebug
  • worm
    Dont try to run away, you little worm!We wormed our way through the underbrushHe wormed his way into the organization

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