Sõna sun tõlge inglise-eesti
- päikeParafraseerides endist presidenti Clintonit: see on päike, rumaluke! To paraphrase former President Clinton: it's the sun, stupid! Isegi päike oli meie eest varjatud. Even the sun was blotted out from our vision. Päike, tuul ja vesi saavad olema tuleviku nafta. Sun, wind and water will be the oil of the future.
- PäikeParafraseerides endist presidenti Clintonit: see on päike, rumaluke! To paraphrase former President Clinton: it's the sun, stupid! Isegi päike oli meie eest varjatud. Even the sun was blotted out from our vision. Päike, tuul ja vesi saavad olema tuleviku nafta. Sun, wind and water will be the oil of the future.
- päikeParafraseerides endist presidenti Clintonit: see on päike, rumaluke! To paraphrase former President Clinton: it's the sun, stupid! Isegi päike oli meie eest varjatud. Even the sun was blotted out from our vision. Päike, tuul ja vesi saavad olema tuleviku nafta. Sun, wind and water will be the oil of the future.
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