Sõna arbiter tõlge inglise-hispaania
- arbitra
- árbitra
- árbitroComo todos sabemos, el objetivo del Defensor del Pueblo es actuar como árbitro de forma justa y objetiva. The Ombudsman is there, as we all know, to act as the arbiter in a fair and objective way. Como ponente alternativa para mi grupo, se me ha asignado el papel de árbitro. As the shadow rapporteur for my group, I was given the role of arbiter. Europa no debe limitarse a desempeñar un papel de árbitro en este terreno. Europe must not confine itself to playing the role of arbiter in this matter.
- conciliador
- moderator
Sõna arbiter tähendused
- A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them; an arbitrator
- }} A person or object having the power of judging and determining, or ordaining, without control; one whose power of deciding and governing is not limited
- A component in circuitry that allocates scarce resources
- To act as arbiter
- Television and film, not Vogue and similar magazines, are the arbiters of fashion.
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