Sõna nepotistic tõlge inglise-hispaania
- nepotistaDa la impresión de que el Presidente Asad es demasiado débil para acabar con el régimen autocrático, nepotista y amiguista que impregna el sistema político. President Assad appears to be too weak to overturn the autocratic, nepotistic and back-scratching regime which permeates the political system. No obstante, cabe mencionar algunas deficiencias: ya se ha mencionado la corrupción y existen arraigados grupos de interés y prácticas nepotistas. We also have to mention shortcomings, however: corruption has already been mentioned, and there are entrenched special interest groups and nepotistic practices.
Sõna nepotistic tähendused
- Of or pertaining to nepotism; favoring relatives because of their relationship rather than their abilities
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