Sõna lightning tõlge inglise-hollandi
- bliksemJammer genoeg was het slecht weer - zwarte wolken, regen, bliksem, storm - en het vliegtuig begon te rollen. Unfortunately, the weather was dreadful - black clouds, rain, lightning, storms - and the plane began to toss about. Op dit punt helpt alleen maar echte solidariteit en niet de bede aan Sint-Florens dat de bliksem toch maar moge inslaan in het huis van onze dierbare buurman. Only true solidarity can help here and not the Saint Florian principle of hoping that the lightning strikes elsewhere.
- weerlicht
- bliksemflits
- bliksemschicht
- flits
- hemelvuur
- vuurstraal
Sõna lightning tähendused
- A flash of light produced by short-duration, high-voltage discharge of electricity within a cloud, between clouds, or between a cloud and the earth.which heats the air and typically causes thunder--
- A discharge of this kind
- Anything that moves very fast
- The act of making bright, or the state of being made bright; enlightenment; brightening, as of the mental powers
- Extremely fast or sudden; moving at the speed of lightning
- To produce lightning
- Although we did not see the lightning, we did hear the thunder
- The lightning was hot enough to melt the sand
- That tree was hit by lightning
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