Sõna if only tõlge inglise-itaalia
- magariMagari potessimo accogliere tutti coloro che desiderano venire! If only we could receive everybody who wanted to come. Magari questo sistema potesse essere applicato a tutti i vettori, a tutti e i voli e a tutti i problemi! If only this applied to all airlines, all flights and all problems. Magari si potessero ascoltare simili argomentazioni ogni giorno, e in ogni parlamento! If only such things could be heard every day and in every parliament.
- mi piacerebbe
- se soloSe solo il dialogo civile esistesse! If only we had civil dialogue. Se solo ci fosse un dialogo tra due parti! If only we had two-way dialogue.
- It made me feel better, if only for a moment.
- It wont be much fun if only guys turn up to the party.
- If only I could win the lottery
- If only I had listened to my parents
- I was pretty sure I wanted a red shirt, but I still tried on one blue one if only to make sure thats definitely not what I wanted
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