Sõna divide tõlge inglise-prantsuse
- diviserIl favorise la politique du divide et impera - diviser pour régner. It is encouraging a policy of divide et impera - divide and rule. Mais cela est vraiment idiot de tomber dans ce piège du "diviser pour mieux régner"! But how stupid to fall into this 'divide-and-rule' trap!
- partagerJ'ai tout de même un reproche à formuler : pourquoi ne pas partager les primes aux taureaux pendant une période transitoire ? I have just one objection: why not divide up the bull premiums over a transitional period?
- se diviserLe monde commence de se diviser d'une manière nouvelle. The world is beginning to divide in a new way.
- débiter
- disperserChers collègues, je suis convaincue qu' il vaut mieux ne pas disperser nos forces de bataille car nous ne disposons alors d' aucune visibilité à l' égard du Conseil. Ladies and gentlemen, I am convinced that the best line of attack is not a divided one, for this is not the impression we want to convey to the Council.
- fendreL'Europe sera en mesure de mieux défendre les droits et pourra intervenir pour réduire l'écart Nord-Sud. Europe will be in a better position to defend human rights and to help reduce the North-South divide.
- fosséLa fracture numérique affecte également le fossé des générations. The digital divide also affects the generation gap. Les écoles sont bien placées pour combler le "fossé numérique". Schools are well placed to bridge the digital divide. Au lieu de rétrécir, le fossé qui sépare les communautés ethniques continue à se creuser. The ethnic divide has become wider rather than narrower.
- ligne de partage des eaux
- scinderMesdames et Messieurs, le Conseil a décidé de scinder la base juridique. Ladies and gentlemen, the Council has decided to divide the legal basis. L’Union européenne a choisi de scinder cette tâche entre la Commission et les États membres. The European Union chose to divide this task between the Commission and the Member States. L’Ukraine est divisée à maints égards, mais scinder le pays en deux États serait nuisible et dangereux. Ukraine is in many respects divided, but splitting the country up into two states would be harmful and dangerous.
- séparerVoilà un autre exemple de tentatives visant à «diviser pour régner» de la part des Irakiens afin de séparer les éléments de l'alliance anti-irakienne. This is another example of Iraq's attempts to divide and rule: to separate out elements of the anti-Iraq alliance. La Commission a décidé de séparer le financement des actions internes à la Communauté de celui des actions extérieures en adoptant des instruments juridiques distincts. The Commission decided to divide the financing of internal Community actions from external actions by adopting separate legal instruments. À cet égard, cette démarche, qui unit idéologiquement et politiquement l' Europe sans créer entre nous de frontières démarquant ce que l' on ne doit pas séparer, est très positive. In this sense, this move, which unites Europe ideologically and politically without forming borders which divide something between us which we should not divide, is most positive.
- trier
Sõna divide tähendused
- To split or separate into two or more parts
- To share by dividing it
- To calculate the number by which you must multiply one given number to produce a second given number (the dividend
- To be a divisor of
- To separate into two or more parts
- To disunite in opinion or interest; to make discordant or hostile; to set at variance
- To break friendship; to fall out
- To have a share; to partake
- To vote, as in the British parliament and other legislatures, by the members separating themselves into two parties , that is, the ayes dividing from the noes
- To mark divisions on; to graduate
- To play or sing in a florid style, or with variations
- A thing that divides
- An act of dividing
- A distancing between two people or things
- A large chasm, gorge, or ravine between two areas of land
- The topographical boundary dividing two adjacent catchment basins, such as a ridge or a crest
- a wall divides two houses; a stream divides the towns
- How shall we divide this pie?
- If you divide 6 by 3, you get 2
- 3 divides 6
- to divide a sextant
- Stay on your side of the divide, please.
- The divide left most of the good land on my share of the property.
- There is a great divide between us.
- If youre heading to the coast, youll have to cross the divide first.
- The team crossed streams and jumped across deep, narrow divides in the glacier. File:The team crossed streams and jumped across deep, narrow divides in the glacier.ogg
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