Sõna reef tõlge inglise-saksa
- RiffdasWir sollten küstennahe Riffe schaffen. We should be building offshore reefs. Schätzungen zufolge sind 65 % der Meeresfischarten zu irgendeinem Zeitpunkt ihres Lebens auf Riffe angewiesen. It is estimated that 65% of fish species in the sea are dependent on reefs at some point in their life. Der erste betraf Riffe vor der Nordwestküste Schottlands, die Darwin Mounds. Damals hatte ich das Glück, Berichterstatterin zu sein. The first concerned reefs off the north-west coast of Scotland, the Darwin Mounds, for which I was fortunate enough to be rapporteur.
- Felsenriffdas
- reffen
Sõna reef tähendused
- A chain or range of rocks, sand, or coral lying at or near the surface of the water
- A portion of a sail rolled and tied down to lessen the area exposed in a high wind
- To take in part of a sail in order to adapt the size of the sail to the force of the wind
- To pull or yank strongly, especially in relation to horse riding
- To move the floats of a paddle wheel toward its center so that they will not dip so deeply
- Scabby; scurvy
- The itch; any eruptive skin disorder
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