Sõna whistle tõlge inglise-saksa
- PfeifendasIch würde Sie aber auch gerne pfeifen hören. However, I would like to hear you whistle. Wir pfeifen das Spiel ab, wenn es 90:10 steht. We are blowing the final whistle when the score is 90 - 10. So ist es nicht gut, wenn Frohnaturen in Berlin den anderen Hit von U2: "With or without you" pfeifen oder die Leute in Paris Irland zu einer erneuten Abstimmung drängen. So it is no good for blithe spirits in Berlin to whistle that other U2 hit 'With or without you', or for people in Paris to push Ireland into voting again.
- Pfeifedie
- pfeifenIch würde Sie aber auch gerne pfeifen hören. However, I would like to hear you whistle. Wir pfeifen das Spiel ab, wenn es 90:10 steht. We are blowing the final whistle when the score is 90 - 10. So ist es nicht gut, wenn Frohnaturen in Berlin den anderen Hit von U2: "With or without you" pfeifen oder die Leute in Paris Irland zu einer erneuten Abstimmung drängen. So it is no good for blithe spirits in Berlin to whistle that other U2 hit 'With or without you', or for people in Paris to push Ireland into voting again.
- Pfiffder
- TrillerpfeifedieJeder weiß jetzt, was gemeint ist, wenn man sagt, es muss laut die Trillerpfeife geblasen werden. I would add that I agree that whistle-blowing is now in the public knowledge.
- Flötedie
- flöten
- rauschen
- säuseln
- Sausendas
- sausen
Sõna whistle tähendused
- A device designed to be placed in the mouth and blown, or driven by steam or some other mechanism, to make a whistling sound
- An act of whistling
- Any high-pitched sound similar to the sound made by whistling
- A suit (from ''whistle and flute''
- The mouth and throat; so called as being the organs of whistling
- To make a shrill, high-pitched sound by forcing air through the mouth. To produce a whistling sound, restrictions to the flow of air are created using the teeth, tongue and lips
- To make a similar sound by forcing air through a musical instrument or a pipe etc
- To move in such a way as to create a whistling sound
- To send, signal, or call by a whistle
- the whistle of the wind in the trees
- Never whistle at a funeral.
- She was whistling a happy tune.
- The stream train whistled as it passed by.
- A bullet whistled past.
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