Sõna source tõlge inglise-taani
- kildeDette er bestemt en kilde til bekymring. This is certainly a source of concern. Dette forhold er den vigtigste kilde til information. That is the main source of information. De siger, at der kun er én kilde. You claim that there is only one source.
- udspringFor os ville målet være, at Donau er af drikkevandskvalitet fra sit udspring til sit udløb i havet. For us, the goal would be for the Danube to be of drinking water quality from its source to its end. Stoffet bliver imidlertid også påvist i Antarktis og ved Rhinens udspring, hvor der slet ingen industri findes. This substance has even been found in Antarctica and at the source of the Rhine, where there is no industry whatsoever. Som vi alle ved, og som det er blevet drøftet både her i Parlamentet og i Rådet adskillige gange, har mange af vores miljøproblemer udspring i andre politikker. As we all know, and as has been discussed on many occasions both here in Parliament and in the Council, the source of many of our environmental problems lies in other policies.
- The accused refused to reveal the source of the illegal drugs she was selling
- The main sources of the Euphrates River are the Karasu and Murat Rivers
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