Sõna become tõlge inglise-eesti
- saamaEuropolist peab saama amet 1. jaanuariks. It has to become an agency by 1 January. Linnadimensioon peab saama kohustuslikuks. The urban dimension must become mandatory. Seetõttu peab meist saama usaldusväärne partner. We must therefore become a credible partner.
- muutumaSee peab aga muutuma vastupidiseks. It should become easy to comprehend. Surve hakkab tugevamaks muutuma. The pressures are going to become greater. Võrdõiguslikkus peab muutuma mõtteviisiks. Equality needs to become a way of thinking.
- What became of him after he was let go?
- It hath becomen so that many a man had to sterve
- She became a doctor when she was 25
- The weather will become cold after the sun goes down
- That dress really becomes you
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