Sõna partition tõlge inglise-prantsuse

  • division
    La population chypriote a énormément souffert de cette division de l’île. The people of Cyprus suffered immensely from the partition of the island.
  • partitionQuelle était la base de la partition? What was the basis for the partition? Aujourd'hui, le risque de partition existe très réellement. Today, there is a very real risk of partition. Nous vivons à une époque d'unification, pas de partition. We live in an age of unification, not partition.
  • cloison
  • donne
  • paroi
  • partager
  • pli
  • séparationJe suis une fervente partisane de la transmutation et de la séparation et je suis favorable à tout soutien qui peut être apporté à ces technologies. I am a great advocate of transmutation and partitioning and welcome any support that can be given to those technologies. Il s’avère qu’Israël va raccourcir ce mur, ou cette séparation, afin qu’il ne s’enfonce pas tant dans le territoire palestinien. It appears that Israel will be shortening the wall, or partition, so that it does not cut as much into Palestinian territory. La victoire électorale du Hamas et la séparation en deux parties du territoire palestinien, avec chacune sa propre autorité, ont considérablement exacerbé une situation déjà difficile. The electoral victory of Hamas and the partitioning into two parts of the Palestinian territory, with each under its own authority, have significantly exacerbated an already grim situation.

Sõna partition tähendused

  • An action which divides a thing into parts, or separates one thing from another
  • A part of something that has been divided
  • The division of a territory into two or more autonomous ones
  • A vertical structure that divides a room
  • That which divides or separates; that by which different things, or distinct parts of the same thing, are separated; boundary; dividing line or space
  • A part divided off by walls; an apartment; a compartment
  • The severance of common or undivided interests, particularly in real estate. It may be effected by consent of parties, or by compulsion of law
  • A division of a database or one of its constituting elements such as tables into separate independent parts
  • A musical score
  • To divide something into parts, sections or shares
  • To separate or divide a room by a partition , often use with ''off''


  • Monarchies where partition isnt prohibited risk weakening trough parcellation and civil wars between the heirs
  • a brick partition; lath and plaster partitions

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